Ward 10

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Re: Ward 10

Postby bermanp7 » September 2nd, 2013, 8:41 am

She's not Meg Tuthill.
Believe it or not, many if not most registered voters in Ward 10 don't care either way about Meg Tuthill at the moment. They'll be getting lots of pro-Meg literature from the groups that funded Wilfare. As of now, they may not see much reason to go vote in November; after all, it's a quote-unquote off-year election. And Meg has her passionate defenders, too, particularly in certain demographics that have reliable turnout. Never underestimate how hard it is to unseat an incumbent.

All that said, I've been telling people that Lisa's a trained city planner (valuable when it comes to issues like opening up 30th and Nicollet) and also a founder of the Minneapolis Bicycle Coalition, which helps promote safe and responsible bicycling.

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Re: Ward 10

Postby MNdible » September 2nd, 2013, 9:31 am

30th and Nicollet? Best be careful with that one out on the campaign trail, lest you be labeled a carpetbagger.

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Re: Ward 10

Postby bermanp7 » September 2nd, 2013, 9:47 am

Lake and Nicollet. LAKE and Nicollet. My bad! At least I didn't say Minnetonka Blvd. and Nicollet. (I grew up very close to where those two streets coincide.)

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Re: Ward 10

Postby bermanp7 » September 13th, 2013, 11:40 am

I thought I'd point out that Meg raised slightly more money and had slightly more cash on hand than Lisa in last week's campaign finance reports. Just a friendly reminder not to be complacent about this election.

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Re: Ward 10

Postby twincitizen » September 13th, 2013, 1:15 pm

After doing next to nothing since the DFL convention, aside from a small contribution, I went door knocking last Sunday and plan to do the same this weekend. I went with fellow UrbanMSP'er thatchio, and it was honestly not difficult or stressful at all. It turns out, when you care about something enough, knocking on strangers' doors really isn't a big deal. You don't know them from Adam, so who cares if they slam the door in your face (no one actually does that, by the way). Most people aren't home and you just leave a brochure on their door. The ones I did talk to were largely unaware that there was even an election going on, which is why participating in the campaign is so important in the first place. The Bender campaign is currently seeking apartment building "captains" to tell their neighbors about the election and "get out the vote", as they say. Obviously volunteering or contributing financially is not for everyone, but rounding up 2-3 friends to get out and vote in Novermber is the least you can do.

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Re: Ward 10

Postby twincitizen » September 23rd, 2013, 7:06 pm

Ward 10 candidate forum scheduled for Monday Oct. 14 7-8:30pm at SpringHouse Ministry Center (Lyndale & 28th, next to Greenleaf Apts.)

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Re: Ward 10

Postby bermanp7 » September 26th, 2013, 11:30 am

There's a big doorknocking/phonebanking event for Lisa this Sunday afternoon 9/29. If you pick just one campaign event to take part in, this would be a good choice. I'll be there and am hoping for lots of company. Thanks for reading. https://www.facebook.com/events/1417122031833041/

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Re: Ward 10

Postby twincitizen » October 9th, 2013, 6:44 pm

A letter writer to Southwest Journal issued a nice little smackdown of Meg Tuthill for taking credit for stuff she didn't do: http://www.southwestjournal.com/voices/ ... tal-record

Additionally, there are lots of Letters to the Editor for all (serious) candidates running in Wards 10 and 13: http://www.southwestjournal.com/voices/ ... the-editor

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Re: Ward 10

Postby twincitizen » October 30th, 2013, 12:26 am

Strib endorsement went to Meg Tuthill: http://www.startribune.com/opinion/edit ... 81731.html

If you saw this coming because of Meg's vote for the stadium, you'd be right.

If you thought (like I did) that there's no way they endorse the anti-growth, anti-density candidate, after their heavily promoted multi-part series "Growing Minneapolis", you'd be wrong.

Folks, if you haven't yet doorknocked, phone banked, or otherwise volunteered, we could really use the help. This is going to come down to turnout, and let's face it, Meg's demographic(s) turn out reliably. Younger folks, renters, people of color, not so much, especially in an odd-year election. Finance-wise the campaigns are in a dead heat. We need you to get out there and make a difference. If you live in an apartment building, talk to your neighbors. If you wait at a bus stop, talk to your fellow riders. Bump into someone while locking up your bikes, take 10 seconds and ask them if they're voting on Tuesday.

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Re: Ward 10

Postby lordmoke » October 30th, 2013, 10:23 am

Sweet Jesus. At least our venerable beacon of journalism, the City Pages, is here to keep them in check:
http://blogs.citypages.com/blotter/2013 ... ouncil.php

They similarly cited insider connections in their support for Cano as well. Clout? Seriously, there are 12 people on this council. I see members of the elected city government walking around the city in my day-to-day life. This isn't Chicago. No one's going to pull any strings and get a huge pile of secret city treasure dumped on their ward because they're friends with the mayor.


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Re: Ward 10

Postby twincitizen » October 30th, 2013, 12:17 pm

I generally can't stand his writing style or choice of stories for his City Pages column/blog "The Blotter", but seriously, thank god for Aaron Rupar. He lives in the apartment building where the Bender campaign rents office space and has to put up with those annoying signs (and even wrote a blog post complaining about it) but he's still a strong Bender supporter and is probably the only media voice to denounce the Strib endorsement as the BS that it is. He specifically mentioned the Star Tribune's financial motive for endorsing Meg based on her stadium support. He also calls out the crap about "experience and clout" that Meg supposedly has for serving one term.

Thank you Aaron Rupar!

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Re: Ward 10

Postby David Greene » October 30th, 2013, 12:46 pm

Here's what gets me about all these Strib endorsements. For years the Strib has inserted the standard "disclosure: we own land the stadium needs" into all kinds of articles, even where it was totally unnecessary (like when a headline reads "Strib Land Falls Under Vikings Stadium Deal"). Yet those disclosures are utterly lacking in editorials endorsing candidates directly involved in stadium actions.

This is not your father's Star, Tribune, Star & Tribune or StarTribure: Newspaper of the Twin Cities.

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Re: Ward 10

Postby seanrichardryan » October 30th, 2013, 3:32 pm

By this logic they would have endorsed Diane Hofstede, right?
Q. What, what? A. In da butt.

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Re: Ward 10

Postby David Greene » October 31st, 2013, 10:58 am

By this logic they would have endorsed Diane Hofstede, right?
My point is not about the endorsements. It's about the lack of disclosure. If people aren't informed about a potential conflict of interest they do not have all of the information to weigh the endorsement.

FWIW, I called Meg and asked her to support the stadium on the assumption that we were going to build one anyway and if so it should be in Minneapolis to reduce sprawl if nothing else. I hate the stadium but am glad she voted for it, if that makes any sense.

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Re: Ward 10

Postby gpete » November 5th, 2013, 8:57 pm

Bender WINS!!

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Re: Ward 10

Postby VAStationDude » November 5th, 2013, 8:59 pm

This is over 64% to 30% Bender over Tuthill in the first place.

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Re: Ward 10

Postby woofner » November 6th, 2013, 10:50 am

Just glanced through the precinct-level results - looks like Bender got over 50% on the first round in every precinct, including both Wedge precints! In Whittier Bender got over 70% in every precinct. In other words Tuthill got smoked. Really interesting how many seemingly competitive races were decided in the first round - that combined with the Strib's laughable attempt at a poll really underline how little we understand RCV (or local politics at all for that matter). On the other hand, maybe it underlines how random local politics really are. I know a couple people who voted for Bender because they're Futurama fans.
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Re: Ward 10

Postby David Greene » November 6th, 2013, 12:01 pm

Just glanced through the precinct-level results - looks like Bender got over 50% on the first round in every precinct, including both Wedge precints! In Whittier Bender got over 70% in every precinct. In other words Tuthill got smoked. Really interesting how many seemingly competitive races were decided in the first round - that combined with the Strib's laughable attempt at a poll really underline how little we understand RCV (or local politics at all for that matter). On the other hand, maybe it underlines how random local politics really are. I know a couple people who voted for Bender because they're Futurama fans.
This election was the fulfillment of the Rybak bellweather. What we're seeing is a sea change in the Minneapolis DFL. A new generation is taking over. Look at the new city council. Half or more of it is composed of people under 50.

People in the grassroots have seen this coming for a decade. Rybak's election was the first indication of the demographic shift. This election is where it went mainstream. It's not surprising that establishment party leaders and media didn't pick up on it. They're totally insulated from what's going on on the ground.

What we're seeing is the return to city living influencing big-time politics. This is great news for the health of our cities.

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