Minneapolis Mayoral Election 2017

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Re: Minneapolis Mayoral Election 2017

Postby amiller92 » March 31st, 2017, 9:47 am

Appreciate the thoughtful response.

David Greene
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Re: Minneapolis Mayoral Election 2017

Postby David Greene » March 31st, 2017, 10:28 am

Betsy did not propose WFA. She had to be dragged kicking and screaming to give it begrudging support and even then, fair scheduling was off the table for her. I don't give her credit here, I credit the workers.

Betsy did not lead on SWLRT. We had a long conversation about it before the election. At the time I credited her for at least considering some other ideas (routes down Hennepin that would hit Van White, etc.) but she was very clear that she did not support the Kenilworth alignment. She carried water for the rich and powerful almost the entire way. She presumably pressured Dayton to do the "pause." She only slightly changed her tune when it was clear that everyone else was against her. I do credit her for hard negotiation to secure additional benefits for the city, but at what cost? Now we might not get it at all. People warned her repeatedly that delays would be harmful. Even now from what I can tell she is not fighting to save SWLRT.

I'll give her credit where credit is due, but not on these two items.

She was definitely in a tough place with the 4th precinct and I appreciate how she worked for restraint. That said, she never publicly supported the protesters. People like Lisa Bender came out and forcefully demonstrated unwavering support. I understand that's much easier for a CM but it seems like Betsy could have done *something* to indicate sympathy and support.

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Re: Minneapolis Mayoral Election 2017

Postby bermanp7 » March 31st, 2017, 11:39 am

Just wanted to make a quick reply. David, thank you for your honest response. I didn't intend to represent you when I namechecked you, and I'm glad you chimed in to make your stance clear. For my part, I am no more no less than a volunteer for Betsy, and far from an expert (as evidenced by the "Block E" next to my handle at the moment). I'll be bringing feedback both positive and negative to the campaign when I see them next.

I thought Betsy brought up scheduling together with sick/safe time in a SOTC address. I may be misremembering, however. Re: SWLRT, I guess I don't take for granted that SLP (where I grew up) didn't get those earthen berms. During the 2013 campaign, I read an op-ed by Mark Andrew that made it sound like relocation was a done deal. That felt very wrong to me.

Thanks again for your comments.

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Re: Minneapolis Mayoral Election 2017

Postby twincitizen » March 31st, 2017, 12:09 pm

I haven't made any decisions yet.

Given Hodges unwavering support for bike/ped infrastructure and for density/development, you'd think the "urbanist" crowd would be in lock-step with her. Granted, Frey is also seemingly good on those issues (minus the 3rd Ave protected bike lane snafu, which suggests he will bend to the will of downtown interests & Lisa Goodman). But the fact that "bike lane Betsy" doesn't have the unwavering support of this crowd kinda speaks to how poor of a communicator she is. If "poor communicator" is too harsh or overgeneralized, at the very least she is really bad at touting the accomplishments during her tenure.

I was leaning toward Hodges, but Frey's recent comments about maybe not building the Nicollet streetcar and redirecting that TIF "value capture" money has me listening. I don't support redirecting the money to affordable housing as he suggested, but would be interested in allowing it to be used for a local share of aBRT lines in the city.

I like Frey, but the fact that he is just this year's Mark Andrew (he's supported by Goodman, Brian Rice, etc., no?) should be a real turnoff to everyone. Hodges has strong core principles on many issues and stands her effing ground. The fact that she is opposed by the "good ol boys" club of various interests remains a good reason to vote for her, just as it was in 2013.

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Re: Minneapolis Mayoral Election 2017

Postby David Greene » March 31st, 2017, 12:18 pm

I would definitely take Hodges over Frey. No question. Right at this moment my 1-2 is Dehn, then probably Hodges but that's a very shaky second. I want to hear more from the candidates about what they're actually going to do about the situation the city is in (Trump, Republican legislature, etc.). How are they going to lead the resistance?

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Re: Minneapolis Mayoral Election 2017

Postby grant1simons2 » March 31st, 2017, 12:28 pm

Frey voted for the 3 lane option

http://www.startribune.com/minneapolis- ... 375873781/

And former endorsements really shouldn't be used to choose who to support. Like, I would've supported Blong Yang 3 years ago, but after some events, I no longer do.

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Re: Minneapolis Mayoral Election 2017

Postby bivaly » March 31st, 2017, 1:33 pm

Betsy did not propose WFA. She had to be dragged kicking and screaming to give it begrudging support and even then, fair scheduling was off the table for her. I don't give her credit here, I credit the workers.
This is not a correct assessment of Betsy's support for WFA at all. Fair Scheduling failed because there weren't the votes on the Council. If you want to place the blame on anyone, let me give you two names: Andrew Johnson and Alondra Cano. They both told advocates they wouldn't support fair scheduling, and in attempt to save sick time as well, Betsy made a choice to take fair scheduling off the table. Cano and A. Johnson voted to return to author the fair scheduling ordinance, something "progressives" love to forget.

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Re: Minneapolis Mayoral Election 2017

Postby mplsjaromir » March 31st, 2017, 9:27 pm

Betsy 1, Dehn 2, Pirate Guy 3.

-MPLSJaromir ranking 3-31-17

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Re: Minneapolis Mayoral Election 2017

Postby VAStationDude » April 1st, 2017, 10:39 am

Plus 1. Nick is not clever

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Re: Minneapolis Mayoral Election 2017

Postby xandrex » April 4th, 2017, 8:59 am

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Re: Minneapolis Mayoral Election 2017

Postby Silophant » April 4th, 2017, 9:17 am

What are the odds that the DFL even manages to endorse this year?
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Re: Minneapolis Mayoral Election 2017

Postby xandrex » April 4th, 2017, 9:27 am

It seems fairly unlikely, which means that campaigns are likely only going to drop out if they run out of money.

That’s what makes this particular stand odd. If Nekima didn’t want the endorsement, why have pursued it in the first place? Anecdotally, I have seen a lot of people who generally support Nekima increasingly come out in support of Dehn, so I wonder if this is a campaign strategy to stay fresh and appear to be an outsider (it’s certainly popular to lodge complaints against the Democratic/DFL Party these days)?

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Re: Minneapolis Mayoral Election 2017

Postby twincitizen » April 4th, 2017, 9:59 am

A poor showing and getting eliminated in the first round of voting at the convention would likely hurt her campaign more than being there would help. That and she has seemingly been slow in getting her campaign infrastructure up and running.

All of this is a bit weird tho, because as someone else suggested, she has minimal chance at actually winning, and some expected that this was all for the purpose of using her campaign/supporters as leverage to move the other candidates (and party platform) in a particular direction. That doesn't work if you don't seek the endorsement. If she even attends the convention, she won't be allowed to speak from the stage. Maybe this is all a setup for a headline-grabbing (but also campaign-ending) protest at the convention?

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Re: Minneapolis Mayoral Election 2017

Postby WHS » April 4th, 2017, 11:17 pm

I mean, I wouldn't attribute to cunning what is more easily attributed to mismanagement.

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Re: Minneapolis Mayoral Election 2017

Postby amiller92 » April 5th, 2017, 9:15 am

I think we had 54 people caucus in our precinct last night. Majoriy subcaucused as undecided, taking the corresponding majority of the 25 (I think) delegates to the city convention. 4 delegates for Hodges, 3 for Frey and one for Dehn.

Hoch spoke and impressed me (from a baseline of not knowing him really at all). Frey spoke and was a little over the top with his enthusiasm and emphasis (confirmed my wife's support for Hodges). Wagenius spoke for Hodges, emphasizing the budget, and I thought strangely, Hodges time as a council-member working with Ryback to steady it.

There was briefly a proposed subcaucus for Levy-Pounds, withdrawn on the basis of her announcement.

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Re: Minneapolis Mayoral Election 2017

Postby Sacrelicio » April 5th, 2017, 10:03 am

I signed up as a delegate for my ward and city caucuses but I don't remember choosing any candidate.

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Re: Minneapolis Mayoral Election 2017

Postby FISHMANPET » April 5th, 2017, 10:13 am

If there's more delegate spots than people that want to be delegates, they don't bother asking who you're a delegate for.

When there's more potential delegates than delegate spots, then you've got to break up into candidate groups to select delegates.

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Re: Minneapolis Mayoral Election 2017

Postby Sacrelicio » April 5th, 2017, 10:50 am

If there's more delegate spots than people that want to be delegates, they don't bother asking who you're a delegate for.

When there's more potential delegates than delegate spots, then you've got to break up into candidate groups to select delegates.
I see, yeah at my 8-5 caucus we needed more than we had so everyone who wanted to be a delegate got to be one.

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Re: Minneapolis Mayoral Election 2017

Postby David Greene » April 5th, 2017, 11:03 am

In 10-2 we didn't fill the ward convention delegate slots but we had more potential delegates than slots to the city convention. Rather than walking subcaucuses, we elected to vote for delegates, which worked well and was much less chaotic.

During the election we had one candidate announce for Frey and two for Dehn (including myself). The Frey delegate did not get elected but the two Dehn delegates did, which was somewhat surprising to me given the makeup of the room and Ray's relative unknown-ness.

In actuality probably all alternates will get seated at the convention so we essentially sent one for Frey, two for Dehn and a bunch of uncommitteds.

After the caucus a couple people came up to me and mentioned that someone they know is supporting Dehn and they wanted to know more about him. I was impressed by the amount of word-of-mouth awareness of Ray that seems to be spreading.

Walking home, I started wondering about the ward convention. We didn't fill the slate probably because Lisa is unopposed. There were a bunch of longtime residents that signed up to be ward delegates. One or two I know did so just because that's what they always do and they like going to conventions to meet neighbors, etc. They're convention geeks. But I wondered about some of the others. Once the precinct caucus is done, is the slate of candidates for the endorsement set or can someone announce last-minute that they are running for the endorsement? It would be particularly tricky and underhanded for someone to leave a candidate unopposed to suppress participation and then announce candidacy after the ward delegates were selected, presumably with a disproportionate representation from said new candidate's supporters.

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Re: Minneapolis Mayoral Election 2017

Postby amiller92 » April 5th, 2017, 11:07 am

Once the precinct caucus is done, is the slate of candidates for the endorsement set or can someone announce last-minute that they are running for the endorsement? It would be particularly tricky and underhanded for someone to leave a candidate unopposed to suppress participation and then announce candidacy after the ward delegates were selected, presumably with a disproportionate representation from said new candidate's supporters.
Don't know, but it would seem difficult to both drive significant caucus turnout and keep a campaign secret.

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