UrbanMSP-esque sites in other cities

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Nicollet Mall
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Re: UrbanMSP-esque sites in other cities

Postby matt91486 » March 30th, 2015, 10:56 pm

I figure it's been a year, maybe worth reviving this to see if people have run into any others. Personally, I've been looking for Pittsburgh, as it's possible I might make a move there and I've been trying to get a feel for it. Their SSP and SSC threads are pretty dead (though there is a certain surprise from a certain poster in their SSP one).

And to contribute something useful besides just asking about Pittsburgh, here's one for Houston:

Nicollet Mall
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Re: UrbanMSP-esque sites in other cities

Postby Gman12 » March 31st, 2015, 4:33 pm

I was actually looking for one for San Diego...a lot of tower cranes down there.

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Re: UrbanMSP-esque sites in other cities

Postby Anondson » April 4th, 2017, 8:26 pm

Turns out I've accepted an offer to work in the Bay Area for six months beginning May 1st (Santa Clara county end of the bay). But then returning to the Twin Cities in November.

Anyone know of forum or site like we got with ours but Bay Area centric?

Nicollet Mall
Posts: 132
Joined: December 28th, 2012, 5:28 pm

Re: UrbanMSP-esque sites in other cities

Postby matt91486 » April 6th, 2017, 7:02 pm

As a general Bay Area resident, the best I've seen is still the comment threads at SocketSite http://www.socketsite.com/ - but it tends to be developer focused and doesn't necessarily have a cohesive community feel, though you do see recurring posters. Streetsblog SF has interesting content, but no forum.

If someone does know of an actual Bay Area urbanist forum, I would be happy to know about it as well!

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