Minneapolis 2021 Elections - Mayor, City Council, BET, Park Board

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Re: Minneapolis 2021 Elections - Mayor, City Council, BET, Park Board

Postby amiller92 » November 1st, 2021, 9:59 am

I think of January 6th and how a few thousand Trumpers were nearly able to topple the democratic process because the police were wholly ineffective.
This is an interesting example, because what the capital police had to do on that day (and what they typically do), is much more a security function than people think policing is. That is, the capital police, especially on that day, were not keeping neighborhoods safe, preventing crime, helping victims and locking up perpetrators. They're standing guard.

Which to me raises the question of whether those two functions should be handled by the same people.
Nezhad, I fear, quietly supports abolition and I think that's a disaster waiting to happen.
I don't think it is quiet, but I don't think the assumption that someone who supports abolition is simply willing to accept whatever violence comes along is right either.

Personally, I (from my white, cis het male place of privilege) see abolition as a very long term goal we should be trying to work toward, while knowing we may never get there.

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Re: Minneapolis 2021 Elections - Mayor, City Council, BET, Park Board

Postby uptownbro » November 1st, 2021, 10:15 am

The capital police are only responsible to protecting the capital, members of congress and a few federal buildings. They have never been responsible for policing DC district wide as that is done be the DC metro police. Thats why the really only stand guard and at times will investigate crimes and or threats directed at the capital. Granted they were beyond ineffective on Jan 6th.
So to your question they are handled by different people.

Blaisdell Greenway
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Re: Minneapolis 2021 Elections - Mayor, City Council, BET, Park Board

Postby Blaisdell Greenway » November 1st, 2021, 11:53 am

Yeah, Sheila is not going to abolish the police. She's too smart for that. Also abolishing the police requires everything else to be in place first, which is going to take generations, not just years.

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Re: Minneapolis 2021 Elections - Mayor, City Council, BET, Park Board

Postby thespeedmccool » November 1st, 2021, 2:30 pm

Yeah, Sheila is not going to abolish the police. She's too smart for that. Also abolishing the police requires everything else to be in place first, which is going to take generations, not just years.
Yeah, I'm realistic that even though I believe she wants to abolish, I don't think she'd be able to abolish. Nonetheless, I think having a mayor who tacitly supports abolition is asking for trouble. I don't think Nezhad would have any problem letting an angry mob take a public building in the event if a shooting, and her stances relating to supporting protestors make me think she would probably encourage it.

And that dovetails into what I want to say about my January 6th comments. Although the Capitol Police that failed that day are not charged with regular policing, it still stands as a powerful example of how fragile our institutions are. In the event of another George Floyd-level event, I don't know whether Nezhad's ideal police force would be capable of protecting our "temples of democracy" like City Hall. Sure, Walz could come to the rescue, but who knows who's in the governor's seat come 2023.

I support defunding, probably cutting police funding by 20-30%, but abolition is a huge red flag. Day-to-day life needs less cops, but we cannot go down a road where we have no force to call on in times of crisis. In my opinion, Nezhad wants to take us down that dangerous road.

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Re: Minneapolis 2021 Elections - Mayor, City Council, BET, Park Board

Postby BigIdeasGuy » November 1st, 2021, 2:38 pm

This election is filled with contradictions and, frankly, no great mayoral candidates.
Where are the small business owners who want to be Mayor? A hypothetical Black business owner, lawyer, corporate professional, or whatever, with basically identical normie-progressive DFLer politics as Jacob could have done very well in this election (provided they had some pre-existing connections/involvement with the DFL or labor). There was absolutely a lane available to someone who isn't Jacob to run as a mainstream progressive who opposes the amendment but supports reform.
I guess I would respond to that by asking what part of being Mayor right now looks rewarding, gratifying, fulfilling or even fun for that matter? With the two camps in MPLS right now (DT vs activist, oversimplification but not entirely wrong either), pleasing one results in pissing off the other, it's the definition of a no win job.

A hypothetical candidate a person with that profile (and with enough success to be viewed seriously) and really wants to give back to the community, odds are probably doing well enough where they can write a few good sized checks to causes they really believe in, join a nonprofit board or two, volunteer few hours a week and end up feeling like they've made just as big a difference as the mayor. Plus you don't have to deal with the general bullshit of electoral politics, make more money and have a better home life.

It's not hard to see why so many great people in the private sector and would be outstanding public servants are passing on running for public office. That's not just a unique problem to MPLS either the US House of Representatives is the prime example of that.

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Re: Minneapolis 2021 Elections - Mayor, City Council, BET, Park Board

Postby alexschief » November 2nd, 2021, 7:34 am

Idk I think Kate Knuth seems pretty rad. One of my friends used to work with at the capitol when she was a representative and says she was well liked and regarded by the staff. Of the candidates in the race, she's put forward the most detailed plans on a number of topics. She seems to me like the candidate who could successfully bring together different factions in the city as mayor. If I had a vote, she'd be my top choice.

Regardless of who wins, I don't think it's accurate to say there aren't good candidates. Of the top contenders, I think you have people who present voters with distinct choices and wouldn't be lost (whatever else you think of the incumbent's performance) on day one of the new term.

Blaisdell Greenway
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Re: Minneapolis 2021 Elections - Mayor, City Council, BET, Park Board

Postby Blaisdell Greenway » November 2nd, 2021, 9:03 am

You've got it all backwards. On the wedgelive podcast, Sheila talked about having hot food and bathrooms for protesters. If the cops kill someone, a mayor who gets out on the streets and says "man this shit sucks doesn't it?" and provides actual resources is far more likely to deflate tensions than someone hiding from angry citizens and going on CNN instead of speaking to Minneapolis. People don't just decide to burn down city hall because they feel like it, it's because they feel ignored by the city not doing shit and egged on by cops shooting rounds in their faces. I've seen the cops kill enough people in this town to know it goes the same way every time, and early interventions can cool things off quickly.

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Re: Minneapolis 2021 Elections - Mayor, City Council, BET, Park Board

Postby amiller92 » November 2nd, 2021, 9:14 am

You've got it all backwards. On the wedgelive podcast, Sheila talked about having hot food and bathrooms for protesters. If the cops kill someone, a mayor who gets out on the streets and says "man this shit sucks doesn't it?" and provides actual resources is far more likely to deflate tensions than someone hiding from angry citizens and going on CNN instead of speaking to Minneapolis. People don't just decide to burn down city hall because they feel like it, it's because they feel ignored by the city not doing shit and egged on by cops shooting rounds in their faces. I've seen the cops kill enough people in this town to know it goes the same way every time, and early interventions can cool things off quickly.
That's really it. You have the Jacob option, of hide and ask nicely that the police not escalate violence while they don't listen to you. You have the Walz option of sending in the troops.

Or you have the option to join the people in the streets.

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Re: Minneapolis 2021 Elections - Mayor, City Council, BET, Park Board

Postby SurlyLHT » November 2nd, 2021, 9:32 am

Anyone know the stats on the early voters for the city? (Demographics...like if they were Seniors or Young or etc?) Their stats might help predict things if you want to get nerdy.

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Re: Minneapolis 2021 Elections - Mayor, City Council, BET, Park Board

Postby uptownbro » November 2nd, 2021, 9:33 am

The some of the people in the streets looted and tried to burn down Nicollet mall last summer over a social media rumor. The city did everything in its power to calm down that crowd. Now that was not the normal response at the time but none the less a step in the right direction from city leadership.
Also if the city is going to do that it would have to do it for all types of protesters some of which a majority of the city would disagree with.
Life is very gray and this idea that all people fit into simple boxes only works on social media.
Early voting is up around 75% from 2017 but I have found early voting is popular with all ages vs the risk of waiting in line for an extended period of time so its hard to draw anything about results from it imo. Over 37k ballots had been cast before Monday morning.
Last edited by uptownbro on November 2nd, 2021, 9:43 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Minneapolis 2021 Elections - Mayor, City Council, BET, Park Board

Postby thespeedmccool » November 2nd, 2021, 9:39 am

You've got it all backwards. On the wedgelive podcast, Sheila talked about having hot food and bathrooms for protesters. If the cops kill someone, a mayor who gets out on the streets and says "man this shit sucks doesn't it?" and provides actual resources is far more likely to deflate tensions than someone hiding from angry citizens and going on CNN instead of speaking to Minneapolis. People don't just decide to burn down city hall because they feel like it, it's because they feel ignored by the city not doing shit and egged on by cops shooting rounds in their faces. I've seen the cops kill enough people in this town to know it goes the same way every time, and early interventions can cool things off quickly.
You're really trying to say that if Frey just appeared at the third precinct it wouldn't have burned down? I don't believe that for a second. Far more likely is that Frey shows up, the precinct burns, and he's implicated in it.

A mayor can't effectively lead if they're being steered by the mob. This country gives too much rhetorical weight to "the people" who tend to be irrational, eclectic, and unreasonable. If Sheila wants to lead protests, she should continue being a community organizer, not mayor. Mayors need to lead on issues, not be a puppet.

It also just does not make any logical sense for a government to sponsor the protests against itself. At some point, it's just ridiculous. Even if 1% of protestors are out to cause trouble, the government would be actively implicit in that. The government shouldn't aggravate protests by using tear gas or shooting projectiles, but it shouldn't support them either.

It also becomes a question of which protests are enabled by government and which are not, which in turn becomes a constitutional problem. I somehow doubt Sheila would provide warm meals and bathrooms for pro-life demonstrators, which, no matter how you feel on that specific issue, is wrong. The city should not be involved in picking which protestors are winners and losers. Suddenly, "compassion for those protesting state violence" becomes a massive civil rights lawsuit.

It's just a bad idea. No other way around it.

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Re: Minneapolis 2021 Elections - Mayor, City Council, BET, Park Board

Postby tedlanda2571 » November 2nd, 2021, 9:49 am

You've got it all backwards. On the wedgelive podcast, Sheila talked about having hot food and bathrooms for protesters. If the cops kill someone, a mayor who gets out on the streets and says "man this shit sucks doesn't it?" and provides actual resources is far more likely to deflate tensions than someone hiding from angry citizens and going on CNN instead of speaking to Minneapolis. People don't just decide to burn down city hall because they feel like it, it's because they feel ignored by the city not doing shit and egged on by cops shooting rounds in their faces. I've seen the cops kill enough people in this town to know it goes the same way every time, and early interventions can cool things off quickly.
That's really it. You have the Jacob option, of hide and ask nicely that the police not escalate violence while they don't listen to you. You have the Walz option of sending in the troops.

Or you have the option to join the people in the streets.
If those are the only 3 options, which do you pick in D.C. on the morning of January 6th?

I think I go with Frey and Walz.

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Re: Minneapolis 2021 Elections - Mayor, City Council, BET, Park Board

Postby amiller92 » November 2nd, 2021, 10:07 am

If those are the only 3 options, which do you pick in D.C. on the morning of January 6th?

I think I go with Frey and Walz.
Who am I? If I'm the president they're trying to keep in office, I'd be out there in the streets trying to calm them.

If I'm the capital police chief, I'd have not had my head in the sand and prepared a bit of Walz ahead of time.

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Re: Minneapolis 2021 Elections - Mayor, City Council, BET, Park Board

Postby amiller92 » November 2nd, 2021, 10:09 am

Mayors need to lead on issues, not be a puppet.
I think you're just talking about following a different set of masters...

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Re: Minneapolis 2021 Elections - Mayor, City Council, BET, Park Board

Postby alexschief » November 2nd, 2021, 10:20 am

You've got it all backwards. On the wedgelive podcast, Sheila talked about having hot food and bathrooms for protesters. If the cops kill someone, a mayor who gets out on the streets and says "man this shit sucks doesn't it?" and provides actual resources is far more likely to deflate tensions than someone hiding from angry citizens and going on CNN instead of speaking to Minneapolis. People don't just decide to burn down city hall because they feel like it, it's because they feel ignored by the city not doing shit and egged on by cops shooting rounds in their faces. I've seen the cops kill enough people in this town to know it goes the same way every time, and early interventions can cool things off quickly.
You're really trying to say that if Frey just appeared at the third precinct it wouldn't have burned down? I don't believe that for a second. Far more likely is that Frey shows up, the precinct burns, and he's implicated in it.
What happened last summer escalated over several days, and I think nothing that occurred was inevitable.

I don't think it's the role of the Mayor to necessarily take sides, so much as serve as a medium between their constituents and the government that he/she leads. Last summer, if the Mayor, the Chief, and other members of the PD's leadership had showed up on the first day and put themselves between the police line and the protest line, I think that would've completely changed things. When the peaceful protest on the first day was broken up by tear gas and rubber bullets, that started the chain of escalation. If the Mayor and Chief were physically accountable at that moment and committed to hearing people out and seeing the confrontation off, what happened that evening and beyond may not have occurred.
Last edited by alexschief on November 2nd, 2021, 10:24 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Minneapolis 2021 Elections - Mayor, City Council, BET, Park Board

Postby Didier » November 2nd, 2021, 10:22 am

Don't forget that defund the police protesters rallied outside Jacob Frey's apartment, and instead of ignoring them or telling them what they wanted to hear, he was straight about his position:
On Saturday, Mr. Frey was pressed to state his position on the issue by protesters who had massed outside his house.

Looming above the mayor on a stage, a woman with a microphone asked him if he would commit on the spot to defunding the Minneapolis Police Department.

“It is a yes or no,” she said, instructing the crowd to be quiet and reminding them that the mayor is up for re-election next year. “And if he says no, guess what we’re going to do next year,” she said, adding an expletive for emphasis.

She then handed the microphone to Mr. Frey, who said in a barely audible voice muffled by his face mask, “I do not support the full abolition of the police.”

With that, the protesters began their chants of “Go home, Jacob, go home!” and “Shame! Shame!”
https://www.nytimes.com/2020/06/07/us/m ... shame.html

I understand a lot of people here see that as a negative because they disagree with Frey's position, but personally I have a lot more respect for how Frey responded than the city council, where nine members started on the most extreme position and have been struggling to explain themselves ever since.

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Re: Minneapolis 2021 Elections - Mayor, City Council, BET, Park Board

Postby tedlanda2571 » November 2nd, 2021, 10:28 am

If those are the only 3 options, which do you pick in D.C. on the morning of January 6th?

I think I go with Frey and Walz.
Who am I? If I'm the president they're trying to keep in office, I'd be out there in the streets trying to calm them.

If I'm the capital police chief, I'd have not had my head in the sand and prepared a bit of Walz ahead of time.
C'mon, you are being willfully obtuse.

The election facing us is mayor, and you gave a hypothetical mayor 3 options. What should Muriel Bowser have done to mitigate January 6th?

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Re: Minneapolis 2021 Elections - Mayor, City Council, BET, Park Board

Postby thespeedmccool » November 2nd, 2021, 10:30 am

Yeah I don't think Frey has been an adequate mayor, but I also think Nezhad is not fit for the job.

Knuth first, and regrettably Frey second. I really don't love that conclusion, but I think Nezhad is the wrong path for the city.

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Re: Minneapolis 2021 Elections - Mayor, City Council, BET, Park Board

Postby LakeCharles » November 2nd, 2021, 10:33 am

If those are the only 3 options, which do you pick in D.C. on the morning of January 6th?

I think I go with Frey and Walz.
Who am I? If I'm the president they're trying to keep in office, I'd be out there in the streets trying to calm them.

If I'm the capital police chief, I'd have not had my head in the sand and prepared a bit of Walz ahead of time.
C'mon, you are being willfully obtuse.

The election facing us is mayor, and you gave a hypothetical mayor 3 options. What should Muriel Bowser have done to mitigate January 6th?
Lol. What? She couldn't have done much of anything one way or the other on January 6th. But it seems like a highly irrelevant question, since Minneapolis is not the nation's capital, or even the state capital.

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Re: Minneapolis 2021 Elections - Mayor, City Council, BET, Park Board

Postby Didier » November 2nd, 2021, 10:33 am

If the Mayor and Chief were physically accountable at that moment and committed to hearing people out and seeing the confrontation off, what happened that evening and beyond would not have occurred.
I don't disagree with this in theory, but IMO you're vastly oversimplifying the situation that weekend.

Wasn't the spark that turned the protests into riots when "umbrella man" smashed the windows at AutoZone? People came out that weekend with all manner or motivations, and much of the damage and looting was opportunistic — whether by agitators or by people who saw an opportunity to grab some free stuff off the shelves at Target.

So I agree that stronger leadership from the mayor and chief would have helped, and potentially a lot, but to say that Frey on the ground by the precinct would have changed everything is a big leap. It also underestimates how likely dangerous that would have been for him.

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